JAKARTA - KCIC opened its voice regarding a viral video showing a leak on the floor of the Quick Train carriage when it was passing at Tegalluar Station, Bandung.

Related to this, KCIC denied any leaks on theuglysh High Speed Train. KCIC said that the water that entered the train as seen in the circulating video was caused by the capacity of rainwater accompanied by strong winds.

"At the time of the incident at Tegalluar Station, there was a series of people who were serving the passenger ride process, namely the G 1234 train series. The conditions affected by the rainy water conditions occurred on train 1 and train 6," said KCIC GM Corporate Secretary Eva Chairunisa in a written statement received by VOI, Friday, April 12.

Eva said that the conditions that occurred at that time were the weather in the Tegalluar Station platform area in conditions of heavy rain accompanied by strong winds. Along with the rain accompanied by the wind, the departure process is underway which makes all train doors open.

"So, the rainwater carried by the strong winds leads inward through the open train door," he said.

At the time of the incident, said Eva, officers immediately carried out drying in all areas affected by the rainy water. Within 5 minutes, the condition of the 1st and 6th trains affected by the rainwater conditions has returned to dry as before.

"KCIC apologizes for the inconvenience felt by train passengers with the travel number G 1234 Tegalluar-Halim connection departing at 14.00 WIB," he said.

According to Eva, an apology for the inconvenience has also been conveyed directly by the conductor to all passengers during the trip.

"Quick Train better designed and produced to provide the best service to all passengers. KCIC is committed to continuing to provide excellent and optimal service to passengers," he added.


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As previously reported, the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) revealed that it had leaked due to sudden heavy rain that went viral on social media.

Based on VOI's monitoring on the X @Zer***** account, the leak began to appear when the train was still at Tegalluar Station, Gedebage, Bandung, West Java. The incident occurred on Friday, April 12, at around 14.00 WIB.

"The debt has not been paid off, how come it needs maintenance," wrote the X account.

One of the eyewitnesses who knew about the incident said the leak occurred between carriage connections 5 and 6. Thus, causing water seepage on the floor of the train carriage.

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