JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Housing collaborates with the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) in handling Uninhabitable Houses (RTLH) through the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program (BSPS).

This is done to increase government collaboration with various housing stakeholders in the implementation of housing and residential areas for the community.

The Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto, said that the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) is one of the PUPR Ministry's programs to improve the quality of people's homes whose conditions are not livable.

The assistance program is stimulant with a pattern of community empowerment, so support from community empowerment is still needed in order to improve the quality of houses that were originally uninhabitable to become livable.

"This BSPS program is implemented throughout Indonesia and reaches remote remote villages. This is a tangible manifestation of the Government's presence and proof that development programs can be enjoyed by all Indonesians," Iwan said in his official statement, Wednesday, February 1.

Iwan said that his collaborative activities with Baznas in the BSPS program for handling RTLH in 2022, in three provinces, which include nine regencies/cities with 198 housing units have been completed.

One of the pilot projects for the collaboration in handling RTLH that has been completed, namely in Cupunagara Village, Subang Regency.

The 2022 BSPS budget allocation in West Java Province is 16,691 units. Meanwhile, the allocation of BSPS and Baznas collaboration programs in West Java Province is a total of 130 units.

"Kabutapen Subang has received an allocation of 25 units, nine of which are allocated in Cupunagara Village itself and hope that in the future more people will be able to get decent and quality housing," said Iwan.

The Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR and Baznas itself has implemented a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) since April 2022 and both parties are trying to realize this cooperation until now.

The existence of Baznas in this activity is because the institution also has a Determination Home program with a target of 40,000 units last year.

In its implementation, Baznas provides support for overall house repairs or through complementary assistance in the form of roof component materials and MCK construction, in the form of toilets and septic tanks.

"We express our gratitude to all parties, such as Baznas, the ranks of the local government, and the team of the Directorate General of Housing who have been full of dedication in their initial collaboration for the Handling of Extreme Poverty (PKE). Hopefully this collaboration can be useful for all parties and trigger Baznas collaboration, as well as a more solid regional housing implementation center in other areas," concluded Iwan.

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