JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation conducted a campaign for the National Movement to Return to Public Transportation in order to increase public interest in public transportation.

Director of Road Transportation Facilities, Danto Restyawan, explained the need for government intervention to take over the risk of providing adequate public transport services and meeting minimum service standards, through the Subsidy Program for Purchasing Public Transportation Services for the Buy The Service (BTS).

"The problem of traffic congestion has surfaced into acute social problems. To reduce the impact as above, government intervention is needed," said Danto in Yogyakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, December 12.

Danto explained that through the presence of BTS provided, it is hoped that it can provide a stimulus for the development of urban public passenger transportation, increase interest in the use of public transportation, and provide convenience in urban mobility.

He said this program is also supported by telematic technology through the use of fleet management systems, websites, executive dashboards, and the TEMAN BUS application to provide convenience for regulators, operators and users.

Through the TEMAN BUS application, people can get information in real-time routes, schedules and positions of buses. In addition, a chip-based digital payment system and QRIS have also been used.

To socialize the BTS TEMAN BUS program, the wider community is used in 2 ways, namely through social media and can also be done through the declaration of the National Movement to Return to General Transportation (GNKAU) program.

"The GNKAU Socialization Program is intended to invite the general public to use public transportation, especially the use of the BRT Buy the Service in the Yogyakarta area which has also been integrated with Trans Jogja services managed by the Provincial Government of Yogyakarta," he said.

According to him, GNKAU which is implemented for various communities, especially transportation lovers, is a form of promoting and inviting the general public through social media that Teman Bus is present to serve public transportation in the Yogyakarta area.

"With GNKAU, it is a manifestation of steps in providing inclusive services for all groups," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Yogyakarta Provincial Transportation Service, Ni Made Dwipanti Indrayanti, who was also present at the event, stated that the GNKAU which was held this morning was a form of contribution to the community.

"We hope that in the future we can make Yogyakarta a humanist, environmentally friendly, and comfortable city to live in," he said.

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