JAKARTA - Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo today officially inaugurated 11 new leaders to fill a number of positions within the head office and representative office of Bank Indonesia in the regions.

"The inauguration of officials in BI is part of the transformation of organizations and human resources to strengthen the effectiveness of the organization and carry out its duties," Perry said in a press statement after the inauguration on Thursday, July 7.

According to him, there are four important messages that must be carried out by leaders within the central bank. First, to interpret the mandate given as a journey that is the best gift from Allah SWT.

"Secondly, immediately realize strategic steps by arranging future steps," he said.

The third is increasing cooperation to support the stability of the country's economy, especially in controlling inflation, the rupiah exchange rate, and the stability of the financial system.

"Finally, we advise that in carrying out our duties we always pay attention to issues that develop in the community in supporting national economic growth," he stressed.

The following are the names of new officials within Bank Indonesia.

1. Ida Nuryanti, previously as Head of the Strategic Procurement Department, became Head of the Payment System Implementation Department.

2. Subintoro, previously served as Head of the Strategic Procurement Department Group, became Head of the Strategic Procurement Department.

3. Arbonas Hutabarat, previously served as Head of BI Representative for North Sulawesi Province, became Head of the Department of Report Compliance Management and Compliance.

4. Andry Prasmoko, previously served as Deputy Head of BI Representative for Central Java Province, as Head of BI Representative for North Sulawesi Province.

5. Joni Marsius, previously serving as Head of BI Representative for Bengkulu Province, became Deputy Head of BI Representative for South Sumatra Province.

6. Rut W. Eka Trisilowati, previously served as Head of BI Representative for West Papua Province, as Head of the International Department Division.

7. Aswin Kosotali, previously serving as Head of the Sibolga BI Representative, became Head of the BI Tasikmalaya Representative.

8. Darjana, previously served as Head of BI Tasikmalaya Representative, as Head of BI Representative for Bengkulu Province.

9. Rommy Sariu Tamawiwy, previously served as Head of the Payment System Implementation Department Division, as Head of BI Representative for West Papua Province.

10. Yuliansyah Andrias, previously served as Executive Analyst of the Department of Money Management, as Head of the Sibolga BI Representative.

11. Doni Septadijaya previously served as Pt. Head of BI Representative for Southeast Sulawesi Province, became Head of BI Representative for Southeast Sulawesi Province

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