Jakarta - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi is optimistic that the country's aviation industry can recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through good collaboration between all parties. Especially the government, business actors in the aviation sector, investors, and other related elements.

Budi said that the recovery of the aviation sector in the new normal after the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be carried out so that the public's need for air transportation can be met. problems faced by air transportation and contribute to solving the problem," said Budi in a webinar themed 'Recovery Plan for Aviation in Indonesia', quoted Friday, July 1.

In addition, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted, the number of domestic air transport passengers in the first quarter of 2022 reached 10.7 million passengers, an increase of 55.5 percent year on year (annual). Meanwhile, in the same period the number of international air transport passengers grew by more than 200 percent.

"In the midst of starting to move the economy back after the COVID-19 case in Indonesia slowed down, all operators of transportation facilities and infrastructure must also prepare strategies as anticipatory steps to face the new adaptation period after the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

Aviation Industry Challenges

Budi said, a number of challenges faced by the aviation industry besides the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the increase in world fuel prices which had an impact on rising operational costs.

Then, Budi continued, another challenge was that several planes were inactive due to the airline's unfavorable financial balance due to the lack of transportation service users during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"For that, it is also important to pay attention to financial support for the air transportation industry, which is currently starting to rise after almost two years of being affected by the pandemic," he said.

Therefore, Budi hopes that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) can become the government's partner to bring a good idea for the recovery of the national aviation industry.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasjid said, along with the recovery of health and the economy, the aviation industry slowly began to rise.

A number of policies that have been set have also contributed to the acceleration of flight recovery, including the policy of easing domestic and international travel requirements, as well as a number of international events held in Indonesia such as the G20 Presidency.

"As a result, the aviation industry rose and led GDP growth in the transportation sector. There was a growth of 53.2 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2022," he said.

Arsjad said that although there has been an increase in domestic air transport passengers, up 55.5 percent on an annual basis and the number of international passengers up 200 percent, this figure is still not the same as before the pandemic.

For this reason, Arsjad said that a good recovery plan is needed, in order to maintain the performance of the aviation industry so that it can improve again as before the pandemic.

"Kadin will continue to be committed and play an active role in developing the aviation industry and become a strategic partner of the government in the business and industrial world," he said.

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