JAKARTA - The PPP Alim Ulama National Conference learned a valuable lesson from the arrival of the Governor of West Java (Jabar) M Ridwan Kamil. The man who is familiarly called Mr. Emil gave knowledge on how PPP cadres should conduct campaigns.

Mr. Emil said that the cadres of the United Development Party (PPP) must be innovative in campaigning. And began to look at the style of campaigning in accordance with the conditions of today's era.

"The way to attract people's sympathy can no longer use conventional methods. I was observing from the first in 1955 until yesterday's election. Why is the percentage of Islamic parties insignificant even though Muslims are 90 percent but when they vote they don't go to Muslim parties," said Mr. Emil giving an analysis as written in his official statement, Sunday, October 17.

Based on his understanding, the way of persuasive political parties must be in accordance with the times and there is a generation gap that party cadres must understand.

"And I'm also still looking for why, whether the Islamic party is less persuasive, I can only answer what I understand," he said.

"In theory, my generation wears a watch, my child doesn't have a watch, that's an example of a generation 'gap'. I learned this, there is a 'gap' that parents don't understand with the current generation's constituents," continued Mr. Emil.

According to him, nowadays people are more technology literate and consume all kinds of information via the internet, including social media.

"So this generation Z does not consume PPP through billboards, but through cellphones. So if PPP cadres are still 'playing' the billboards are outdated and billboards are expensive. If you want PPP to rise, invest in the new generation method. Change the way of political propaganda, stay away from conventional methods," he said.

In addition, Mr. Emil also advised PPP to invest in the best individuals if it wants to maintain competition in the national political arena.

"The United Development Party or PPP must invest in the best individuals who understand that times have changed and who understand that change is for the benefit of the people," he said.

Mr. Emil also hopes that PPP will become an agent in maintaining the conduciveness of democracy in the country because the main problem of the Indonesian people today is that it is easy to fight.

"If you look at what Indonesia's problem is today, it is easy to fight. All developed countries have finished with their quarrels," he said.

"When can we talk about rockets to the moon. So it's the party's job to educate the public about democracy. Second, public services, don't do it every five years. Third, seize power, this is the most crowded. Hopefully, the three functions of the party are balanced," continued Mr. Emil.

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