SURABAYA - Hundreds of people acting in the name of the "Koalisi Masyarakat Madura Bersatu" demanded that the rapid antigen policy at the Suramadu Bridge blockade be stopped. The aspiration was conveyed in a demonstration at the Surabaya City Hall.

Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi also met them. The number one person in the Surabaya City Government stated that he would convey the aspirations of the protesters to the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

"I will convey the aspirations of my friends directly to the Governor, after this, we will wait for directions from the East Java Forkopimda", said Eri Cahyadi, Monday, June 21.

Eri Cahyadi said that blocking the Suramadu Bridge was not a policy of the Surabaya City Government. He ensured that the Surabaya City Government only carried out instructions from the East Java Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda).

"So, the Bangkalan Regent and I are both carrying out the tasks instructed by the East Java Forkopimda. Once again, the partition is not my decision, we are just carrying out our duties", he said.

Therefore, if the demonstrators demand an end to the isolation and testing in Suramadu, then he also ensures that he will convey his aspirations directly to the Governor of East Java after meeting the masses of action. "So, later we will wait for directions from the East Java Forkopimda", he said.

In addition, he said that the demonstrators also objected to being swab every day. That's why, when meeting the mass of action, Eri explained that currently there is a policy regarding the Exit Permit (SIKM) for passers-by from Suramadu and Kamal Port.

If the residents have pocketed it from Bangkalan, then he ensures that they will not be tested again in Surabaya. "So, if there is a SIKM which is valid for seven days, in Surabaya it is free, we will release it. Now, this SIKM policy is also the result of the East Java Forkopimda meeting", he said.

In addition, several representatives of the mass of action were also invited to hear in the Surabaya City Hall Secretary's room. The representatives consisting of six people again conveyed their aspirations from the Madurese community.

At that time, one of the representatives of the mass of action said that if possible, there would be no need for blocking on public roads. However, it is more massive at the lower level, namely the village or sub-district.

Eri Cahyadi also appreciates the idea of the masses, because the idea has been carried out in the city of Surabaya so far. In Surabaya, residents at the district level jointly maintain and prevent COVID-19 cases. What Surabaya has done can also be done in Bangkalan to increase prevention at the village or sub-district level.

"I'm happy with this idea, it's good, because it turns out the idea is the same as what we did in Surabaya. So, later when I meet the Bangkalan Regent, you and some representatives can come to meet the Regent and convey the idea", said Eri Cahyadi.

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