The most passenger departures at the Tanjung Priok Bus Terminal, North Jakarta occurred on Saturday (6/4) with the number of passengers reaching 1,665 people using 131 buses.

"The peak occurred on Saturday but the number of buses departing from this terminal is quite a lot," said Team 4 Commander of the Tanjung Priok Asmali Bus Terminal, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 8.

He said the number of passenger departures from this terminal is predicted to occur on Tuesday, namely D-1.

"If the peak of homecoming had occurred yesterday and thank God there were no significant obstacles," he said.

As of Monday afternoon, 476 passengers departed using 33 buses and 37 buses entered this terminal with 134 passengers.

"We continue to strive to provide optimal service to travelers," he said.

Every bus driver who enters and will depart with a homecomer will be checked for their health.

In addition to health, he continued, the physical condition of the car will also be checked whether it is roadworthy or not.

"If this is fulfilled then we will allow the bus to leave for its destination," he said.

According to him, a number of buses from Tanjung Priok Terminal are long routes to East Java, Central Java, and Sumatra.

"There is also a short route to Banten and West Java," he said.

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