JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) together with a number of his volunteers at the Jakarta Presidential Palace, discussed reconciliation after the 202 Presidential Election during breaking the fast together.

The statement was made by the General Chairperson of Jokowi Mania who has now changed to Prabowo Mania 08, Immanuel Ebenezer after the agenda ended.

"Atmosfirnya bagus ya, banyak hal yang positif. Tadi saya sampaikan awal bahwa Presiden banyak diskusi dan banyak juga masukan-masukan kawan-kawan. Apalagi semua relawan ada tawaran terkait rekonsiliasi agar tidak lagi terjadi polarisasi seperti 2019," katanya dilansir ANTARA, Senin, 1 April.

He said President Jokowi strongly supports reconciliation to reunite the nation's children after the political dynamics that occurred throughout the 2024 presidential election.

"The president in principle strongly supports the ideas related to reconciliation," he said.

The man who is familiarly called Bang Noel said that President Jokowi really appreciates the differences in people's political views, including his volunteers.

"Like I used to support Pak Prabowo, the President was happy. So the President did not interfere too much with the choice of political choices of his volunteers," said the 98 activist.

On that occasion, said Noel, a number of volunteers asked President Jokowi to become an icon of national unity, in his capacity and experience as president.

Meanwhile, representatives of volunteers from 34 communities who attended the invitation to break the fast with President Jokowi included Projo, Bara JP, Kornas Jokowi, Mappan, Solmed, Duta Jokowi, Pertiwi, Samawi, to Rumah Nusantara.

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