Barista Dianiaya Case In Setiabudi, Police Start Investigating CCTV
CCTV illustration. (Pixabay-Simon Elliott)

JAKARTA - The police are investigating the CCTV coffee shop footage in the Setiabudi area, South Jakarta (South Jakarta). The move was taken to map the identity of the perpetrator of the persecution of Rahma Septia Talita.

"Yes, those are technical efforts (investigation of CCTV). I can't explain either. What is clear is that an investigation is being carried out in the context of an investigation," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Thursday, March 21.

Rahma Septia Talita diketahui merupakan seorang senjahat di salah satu coffee shope. Dia menjadi korban penganiayaan orang identifikan yang terjadi di tempar pekerjaannya.

The persecution took place on Saturday, March 16. The perpetrator who came to the scene immediately became the victim's manarik. Then, lock him in the bathroom while molesting him.

Regarding the development of the handling process, Ade has not detailed this matter. However, investigative steps such as searching for evidence and others have been carried out.

Then, it was also conveyed if the investigation was based on a police report made by the victim on March 17.

"The reported incident is severe persecution. Investigators are currently investigating it," said Ade.

Meanwhile, Rahma Septia Talita had uploaded her condition to social media after becoming a victim of severe persecution.

There were red scars on his neck. It is strongly suspected that the wound was caused by the strangulation of the perpetrator.

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