Asking River Dredges To Trigger Floods, DPRD To Palembang City Government: Not Only Retoric Handling Of Inundation
Illustration of heavy rain accompanied by lightning causes puddles to have the potential for flooding. (Unsplash)

The Palembang DPRD encourages the local city government (Pemkot) to dredge up the river to deal with flooding in the local area. "We hope that there will be real steps not only rhetoric for handling puddles after it rains in Palembang City," said Head of the Palembang DPRD Zainal Abidin when confirmed in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Tuesday, March 5, confiscated by Antara. He gave an example, one of the locations in the Basuki Rahmat Street area. According to him, the river flow is higher in contrast to river water, therefore if during the dry season, the river flow contains thick mud deposits, it can be dredged with a depth of up to two meters or at least one meter so that water discharge can be accommodated more.

"This must be a priority and a real step in overcoming floods or puddles in Palembang City. Dredging can be done in a planned manner during the dry season by deploying heavy equipment," he said.

DPRD Palembang, kata dia, akan menyiapkan anggaran untuk melakukan operasi tersebut agar bisa terlaksana dengan baik.Ia juga meminta semua pihak untuk mengingatkan para legislator terkait lokasi - lokasi yang dibutuhkan untuk pengerukan."Salah satunya di kawasan Basuki Rahmat ini harus dilakukan pengerukan karena setiap selesai hujan deras pasti terjadi penggenangan air dititik itu," katanya.Sementara itu Penjabat Wali Kota Palembang Ratu Dewa dalam penanganan banjir di Kota Palembang sejauh ini melakukan penanganan mulai dari penyedotan air dengan mengerahkan tim dari dinas PUPR dan terkait dan dibantu mesin pompa air.

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