The Rejection Of Ustaz Riza Basalamah's Recitation In Surabaya Is Ricuh
The atmosphere of recitation at the Assalam Purimas mosque, Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, Thursday, February 22 evening (@radioElshinta)

The riot occurred between the masses of the Ansor Youth Movement (GP), Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, and the recitation congregation at the Assalam Purimas mosque, Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, Thursday, February 22 evening.

The chaos began with a rejection from the Ansor masses over the presence of Ustadz Riza Basalamah who was a speaker at the recitation.

Chairman of PAC GP Ansor Gunung Anyar Surabaya M Asyiqun Nahdli said that his party rejected the presence of Ustadz Riza Syafiq Hasan Basalamah as a speaker because his lectures were considered radical.

"We (PAC GP Ansor Gunung Anyar District) object to the grand tablik event at the Assalam Purimas mosque in Surabaya City. Ustaz Riza Syafiq Hasan Basalamah is indicated as radical," said Asyiqun in his statement.

According to him, this could trigger conflict and disrupt harmony between local residents.

"The Gunung Anyar area is a granary of Islamic boarding schools, the warehouse of ulama with Nahdliyin characters, will definitely create conflict and ripples in society. Therefore, we need to reject it early because it can disrupt harmony in the Gunung Anyar area," he said.

He further emphasized that the arrival of the Ansor GP masses at the mosque did not intend to dissolve the recitation, but only to reprimand the organizing committee which was deemed to have violated the agreement that had been agreed upon.

"This is not the disbandment of the recitation, but from the start we have refused, we have all signed an agreement. It has been mediated by the police, by the sub-district head, and others. However, their party violated our agreement. So once again this is not the disbandment of recitation," he said.

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