JAKARTA - Chairman of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Rosan Roeslani, representing candidate pair number 2 is grateful for the public's trust in the 2024 presidential election. Prabowo-Gibran is far ahead in the temporary quick count.

First, of course, we are grateful, thank God, from the results of the quick count from several survey institutions that provided initial indicators. On this occasion, I represent Pak Prabowo-Gibran who feels grateful to all Indonesian people who have given great support to Pak Prabowo-Gibran so that based on the quick count, Prabowo-Gibran's initial indicators are ranked at the top with a fairly far difference," said Rosan in Kertanegara, South Jakarta, Wednesday, February 14.

Rosan emphasized that TKN did not want to be happy with the temporary results of the quick count which placed Prabowo-Gibran with the advantage of votes. TKN is still waiting for the official calculation process from the KPU.

"Of course you always respect the process. It's still running. We are still waiting for the final results from the kpu and of course together we will still oversee this calculation process," he said.

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