Enthusiastic Residents See Ganjar Coblosan At Semarang TPS With Family
Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo headed to TPS 11, Lempongsari, Gajahmungkur, Semarang, Central Java (Tsa Tsia/VOI)

Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo voted in the 2024 presidential election with his family today, Wednesday, February 14. The public seemed enthusiastic when he headed to TPS 11, Lempongsari, Gajahmungkur, Semarang, Central Java.

From observations at the location, Ganjar, who wore a white shirt, arrived at around 08.00 WIB. He was accompanied by his wife, Siti Atikoh and Alam Ganjar who were his children.

The three had walked first to the house of the former Mayor of Semarang, the Mayor of Semarang, Hendar Prihadi, around the polling station (TPS). There, Ganjar met with the Chairman of the TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Arsjad Rasjid.

This group then rushed to TPS 11 on foot. He had time to greet the residents. "Have you submitted?" he asked the residents.

As previously reported, Ganjar Pranowo said there was no special preparation ahead of the voting. He admitted that he was ready and hoped that everything would run smoothly.

"No, no (there is special preparation, ed). God willing, everything will be ready," said Ganjar to reporters at his residence, Kalasan Residence, Semarang, Wednesday, February 14.

Ganjar did not want to talk much about the simultaneous voting today. He said, everything had been done during the campaign, including meeting the people.

In addition, Ganjar has also received the blessing of many people. In fact, his neighbors had come to pray.

Thus, he submitted the final results of the 2024 presidential election to the public. This is also in accordance with the message of his parents.

"If my parents convey matters like this, it must be smooth (handed over) and must clean the heart, the mind so that please see everything. Hopefully everything will be like that too," said the former Governor of Central Java.

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