JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will conduct an exhumation or process of extracting the corpse of Dante (6), the son of Tamara Tyasmara, today. This step was taken to find out the cause of death that was previously suspected of drowning.

"Tomorrow (it will be EXhumed), the plan is at 09.00," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras AKBP Rovan Richard Mahenu to reporters quoted by Selesa, February 6.

Dante has actually been buried at the Jeruk Purut Public Cemetery or TPU, South Jakarta, some time ago.

Exhumation is a process of digging or dismantling graves to seek justice. Then, the body will be autopsied by forensic medicine.

Generally, the exhumation process is carried out in cases where death is suspected to be unnatural.

"To find the cause of death," said Rovan.

Meanwhile, Dante was reported to have died due to drowning in the Tirtamas swimming pool, Pondok Kelapa, East Jakarta, on Saturday, January 27.

The incident has been reported to the East Jakarta Metro Police. However, for certain reasons, Tamara Tyasmara again reported the case to the Polda Metro Jaya.

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