JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI of the DPR from the Democratic Party faction Herman Khaeron, asked the leadership of the DPR RI to explain to the public regarding the stages of the revision of the Village Law (UU Desa). Because of this, the village heads have not yet received confirmation about the strengthening of their profession which is planned to be stated in the revision of the law. "The village heads have not yet received confirmation regarding the demands. Therefore, I ask the leadership to explain regarding the sustainability of the village law," Herman said in his statement, Wednesday, January 17. This was also conveyed by Herman in a plenary meeting yesterday. The West Java electoral Democratic legislator gave attention to the revision of the Village Law because he received questions from his constituents in the electoral district. "I also know that these village heads are actively asking for revisions in the DPR. However, due to the political year, we do not want that the revision of the Village Law will then benefit only in 1 or 2 political parties in this parliament," said Dasco in a plenary meeting, Tuesday, January 16.

Therefore, Dasco wants the aspirations of village heads not only conveyed to certain factions, but to all factions in the DPR. "This is to ensure that the need for this Village Law to be revised and beneficial for many village heads and the community," he said. The DPR previously agreed to form a working group (Pokja) with village head organizations (kades) to discuss the revision of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. The agreement was taken after DPR Speaker Puan Maharani received an audience with representatives of the All-Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi) at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 5 last.

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