South Sumatra BPBD Records 20 Thousand Residents' Houses In Muratara Submerged By Floods
The suspension bridge was broken due to flooding in North Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra. BETWEEN/HO-BPBD South Sumatra.
PALEMBANG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of South Sumatra Province revealed that around 20,000 houses were flooded in North Musi Rawas Regency (Muratara) due to heavy rains and caused the Rawas river to overflow. Head of the South Sumatra BPBD Emergency Management Division, Sudirman, said that there had been flooding in North Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra. So far, the local BPBD is still conducting rapid assessments by deploying a Rapid Response Team (TRC) to collect data related to the flood, both the impact and the water level, as well as possible assistance to be provided. Then the water discharge also still experienced an increase in the upstream part of the river. He explained that the flood submerged several sub-districts and around 20,000 houses and several public facilities were also submerged in water. "Flooding is caused by moderate-high intensity rainfall that has flushed parts of North Musi Rawas Regency. This has caused the water discharge of the Rawas river to rise and water overflows in the upstream part of the river, which has an impact that there will be further flooding in the sub-districts of Rugit, Karang Dapo, and Rawas ilir," he said when confirmed in Palembang, Antara, Thursday, January 11. He added that in addition, flooding also hampered the economic activities of the local community. The submerging of 20,000 houses and public facilities occurred in several sub-districts. The flood million has decided as many as eight suspension bridges, namely the Batu Gajah Village Suspension Bridge, Sosokan Village Suspension Bridge, Muara Kuis Village Sustainable Bridge, Muara Kuis Village Hamlet Susun Bridge, Kuis Village Suspension Bridge, Kidak Island Suspension Bridge, Muara Kulam Village Suspension Bridge, and Karang Anyar Village suspension bridge.
Currently, the losses suffered are still in the process of collecting data, and no casualties have been evacuated.

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