This Is The Motive For The Massager Of Therapy In Malang To Kill And Mutilate The Patient
Illustration of the police line at the scene of the crime (ANTARA)

Malang City Police Satreskrim, East Java revealed the motive for the murder accompanied by mutilation by a therapist named Abdulrahman (50) against his patient named Andrian Pranowo (34), a resident of Jalan Prapen Indah, Panjangjiwo Village, Tenggilis Mejoyo District, Surabaya.

The police revealed that this murder was triggered by problems with the use-use or pellet knowledge offered by the perpetrators to the victims.

Kasatreskrim Malang City Police Commissioner Danang Yudanto explained that this incident began with the introduction of the perpetrator to the victim through the Tinder application, then the suspect offered if he had pellet knowledge that could attract other people to the victim.

The curious victim then called the perpetrator to ask the perpetrator for a study of pellets.

"The victim used usable science services aimed at someone to be interested in him," said Kompol Danang at the Malang City Police Headquarters, Tuesday, January 9.

A few days later, the victim returned to the perpetrator's house and said that his witchcraft had not succeeded in captivating someone he wanted. This made the perpetrator feel offended, so that finally there was an argument and physical complaint.

"The victim and the perpetrator had a physical complaint, then the perpetrator took a sickle under the table near the perpetrator and stabbed the victim in the neck twice, causing the victim to fall and die," he explained.

After finding out that the victim had died, the perpetrator bought a cut knife, then cut the victim's head and body into nine parts and put it in three bags of crack. Two bags were thrown into the river and the rest were buried on the riverbanks.

Danang added that currently the victim's family from Surabaya has visited the morgue of Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA) Malang. The victim's family also admitted that the skull of the mutilation victim was true to his family.

"His family believes the victim is his family after learning of the loose tooth patch," said Danang.

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