7 Years Without A Wife, DKI Transportation Agency ASN Officer Admits Mistakes In Child Abuse: "The Victim Is Silent, I Continue"
DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency ASN personnel are suspects for child molestation/ Photo; Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - An intriguing statement emerged when Rusyan Taufik (57), a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, became a suspect in a case of sexual abuse of minors.

In front of the police, the recurrence child predator admitted that he was only joking when carrying out the depraved act of obscenity against AAP (11) which he considered an adopted child. In fact, the suspect Rusyan Taufik had committed sexual abuse for 1 year against the victim.

"I'm just joking, holding back because I made a mistake. I haven't had a wife for 7 years," said Rusyan Taufik at the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters, Tuesday, January 9.

The suspect also admitted that he had no intention of having sex with the victim. He admitted that he only kissed and felt the victim's genitals.

However, Rusyan Taufik's heinous act got worse. The suspect had the heart to commit obscene acts when the victim asked the suspect for help to be escorted to his school activities.

However, when he came to the suspect's house, that was where the suspect molested the victim. The suspect pulled the victim into his room at his house, then kissed him and felt his genitals.

"At that time I made a mistake so I did it," he said.

Even though he admitted that he made a mistake, the suspect Rusyan kept molesting the victim AAP many times.

"I've only done it twice. First, because he didn't refuse, he just kept quiet. That's why I repeat it. Then again the second time, it was finally reported," he said.

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