JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has scheduled a summons to the vice presidential candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to be asked for clarification regarding the alleged violation of the 2024 election campaign.

The case examined by Bawaslu is a milk-sharing activity carried out by Gibran in the motor vehicle-free day (HBKB) or car free day (CFD) Sudirman-Thamrin area.

"We plan to call the vice presidential candidate number 2. We will send a letter on Wednesday (27 December) for clarification on Thursday (28 December)," said Central Jakarta Bawaslu Member, Dimaa Triyanto in a short message, Tuesday, December 26.

Previously, Bawaslu had summoned a number of candidates from the National Mandate Party (PAN) who accompanied Gibran during CFD to be asked for clarification at the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu office.

They are the Chairman of the Central Executive Board (DPP) PAN Zita Anjani, Sigit Purnomo alias Pasha Ungu, and Uya Kuya. Chairman of the PAN DKI Jakarta Regional Leadership Council (DPW) Eko Hendro Purnomo alias Eko Patrio.

However, in the summons a few days ago, only Eko Patrio was not present due to illness. Then, the agenda for the examination was continued by summoning Gibran to provide clarification before Bawaslu decided whether or not there was a campaign violation.

"We might just invite Gibran. For Eko, because two calls were not present, I think it is enough to clarify Pasha and Uya in making a study later," explained Dimas.

On Sunday, December 3, Gibran distributed free milk to residents in the CFD area or motorized vehicle free day (HBKB) on Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

Bawaslu finally summoned a number of legislative candidates accompanying Gibran to distribute milk at CFD. Bawaslu is checking whether Gibran's activities at CFD are proven to have violated campaign rules or not.

If proven campaign, Gibran clearly violates the rules. This is because the implementation of CFD should not be colored by political activities.

Tertuang dalam Pasal 7 Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 12 Tahun 2016 tentang Pelaksanaan Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor, disebutkan bahwa HBKB tidak boleh dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan partai politik dan SARA serta orasi undangan yang bersifat mengist.

Then in summoning a number of PAN candidates on Thursday, December 21, Zita Anjani admitted that she did not know who was the first person to bring milk and give it to Gibran to be distributed to the public.

"We don't know the milk. From the start we didn't walk with no milk. When we wanted to go home (there was only). So if you see the milk, the shape is still cardboard and if I'm not mistaken, it's 3 to 4 boxes," said Zita at the Central Jakarta Bawaslu office.

Zita admitted that initially Gibran was accompanied by a number of PAN candidates such as Eko Hendro Purnomo alias Eko Patrio, Sigit Purnomo alias Pasha Ungu, and Uya Kuya intends to exercise while greeting the community in the CFD Sudirman-Thamrin area.

Suddenly, Gibran's entourage received milk from someone who Zita claimed was an unknown person. The milkbox was immediately opened and distributed by Gibran to the public.

"I think it's natural, not planned. His intention is to exercise. Regarding milk, no one brings it, TKN (Pribowo-Gibran National Campaign Team)," he said.

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