12 Houses Of Gunungkidul Residents Victims Of Landslide 2023 Relocation And Rehabilitation
Gunungkidul Regent Sunaryanta put a sticker on the homes of residents of landslide victims in Candirejo. (ANTARA/HO-Humas Gunungkidul Regency Government)

YOGYAKARTA - The Gunungkidul Regency Government, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), rehabilitated and relocated 12 of its residents' houses in three sub-districts to become victims of landslides.

Head of the Public Works for Public Housing and Settlement Areas (DPUPRKP) Gunungkidul Irawan Jatmiko said, there were 12 houses built based on names and addresses.

"A total of six names and addresses for assistance in the construction of disaster or building relocations, and six according to the name and address for rehabilitation assistance," said Irawan in Gunungkidul, Thursday, December 14, quoted by Antara.

The rehabilitation assistance for six houses, he continued, is located in three villages, namely Poniong, Gedangsari, and Semin. The total budget for development assistance is IDR 480 million.

"For the new development, each unit is budgeted at IDR 50 million for rehabilitation of IDR 30 million," said Irawan.

Irawan also said that the construction of the relocation house for victims of the landslide disaster also received assistance from the Candirejo Family Association (IKC), as well as sources of funds from donors from collection results during disasters.

"Land assistance is sought from the kelurahan, the foundations of the IKC, and the construction of the Gunungkidul Regency Government," said Irawan.

Gunungkidul Regent Sunaryanta said residents who previously lived in landslide-prone areas are now safe. "Please take care of it and use it well," he said.

The inauguration was marked by the installation of harvest and symbolic opening of the door to the house. The Regent said the relocation had to be carried out because the previous location of the land did not allow it to be rebuilt.

"This assistance is to provide a sense of security and comfort for recipients so that they can live in peace, to continue as well as improve mutual welfare in the future," said Sunaryanta.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Candirejo Village, Agus Supriyadi, representing the community receiving the aid, thanked him. He said logistical assistance and money when the landslide disaster occurred in early 2023 according to the needs.

"Thanks to the local government, the migrants who care, hopefully this assistance can be utilized properly," he said.

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