The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police arrested a married couple (couple) in Banjarmasin who were involved in a network of 14 kilograms of methamphetamine.

"The two suspects with the initials MY (32) and his wife EV (42) were arrested on Friday (1/12) while carrying evidence of methamphetamine on Jalan Ahmad Yani Km 14.5 of the Mandiri Prosperous Complex Asri, Peat, Banjar Regency," said the Director of Drug Investigation at the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Kelana Jaya in Banjarmasin, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

Disclosure of narcotics crimes in large enough amount stems from public information followed up by officers.

The team led by the Head of Sub-Directorate III of the Narcotics Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police, AKBP Jupri Tampubolon, conducted an investigation by observing the conditions around the suspected location.

As a result, on the day of the arrest, the police saw the movements of two suspicious people riding a motorbike passing by who then stopped by the side of the road to pick up a backpack next to a banana tree.

After being intercepted by officers, both of them did not move because the bag they were carrying contained 14 packages of crystal methamphetamine weighing 14,230 grams or approximately 14 kilograms.

According to their second confession to the police, this couple was ordered by a prisoner at the Correctional Institution (Lapas) to take the illicit goods.

Then the results of the officer's mapping, methamphetamine came from the Pontianak network, West Kalimantan, which was connected to his accomplices, namely inmates in prisons in South Kalimantan.

"We are still investigating the identity of the prisoners, if there is sufficient evidence of their connection, we will conduct an examination later by collaborating with the prison," explained Kelana, who appreciated the success of the disclosure.

Meanwhile, against the two suspects, investigators charged him with Article 114 paragraph (2) junto Article 112 paragraph (2) Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum penalty of five years and a maximum of 20 years or the death penalty.

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