Police Arrest 5 Kali Bolak-balik Selundupkan Narkoba Lewat Dubur Ke Lapas Semrang
The suspect of drug smuggling into Semarang Prison was presented when he was released at the Semarang Police Headquarters, Wednesday (ANTARA/IC Senjaya)

Semarang Police and Semarang prison officers, Central Java, arrested a visitor to a correctional institution with the initials DAyang who had smuggled methamphetamine and koplo pills five times into prison.

Semarang Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Wiwit Ari Wibisono said the DA suspect smuggled drugs by entering the illicit goods into his rectum.

"The perpetrator has done it six times, but the last one was thwarted by officers," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 25.

From the perpetrator's confession, he said, the drugs were orders from prisoners who were friends.

The perpetrator's last action was exposed after prison officers became suspicious of the strange way he walked during the examination.

The suspicious officer then reported to the police for further treatment.

From the last attempt to smuggle the perpetrators, 7.1 grams of crystal methamphetamine and hundreds of coplo pills were wrapped in condoms and hidden in rectum.

According to Wiwit, the suspect was paid between Rp800 thousand to Rp1.5 million for each shipment.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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