JAKARTA - Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gilbert Simanjuntak, assessed that the presence of electric vehicles will not be able to overcome air pollution in the capital city.

"Planting trees, electric vehicles, watering the streets, and other activities does not touch the cause of pollution," Gilbert said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 28.

According to him, a number of government programs are not applied through a scientific approach based on data research on the causes of pollution so that they are more guided.

In fact, he continued, there are various data ranging from the Ministry of Environment which states that the causes of pollution are 44 percent of motorized vehicles, 30 percent of the industry, and the rest households that can be used as guidelines.

In addition, it could also be from the DKI Environmental Agency which states that the cause of air pollution is 70 percent of motorized vehicles.

The solution, he suggested that there be an increase in public transportation in locations that are not yet available and the government firmly reduces the use of private vehicles.

"LRT and MRT take a long time and a big cost, but TransJakarta is the most likely but with the addition of a path and time between (headway) which is not long," he explained.

Electric vehicles

Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono said the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) could buy electric motorbikes using transportation allowances as a form of contribution to fighting air pollution in the capital city.

"They already have a transportation allowance, they can use it to pay for electric motorbikes," said Heru at DKI City Hall, Jakarta, Thursday.

Meanwhile, Assistant to the Government of the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of DKI Jakarta Sigit Wijatmoko said the transportation allowance given to ASN employees varies depending on the work area. However, the budget is around Rp. 6.5 million per month for the DKI Provincial Government level.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is also collaborating with Bank DKI to make it easier for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to buy electric vehicles by installments.

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