MALUKU - Access to Trans Pulau Seram transportation on Masohi road to and from Tehoru in Central Maluku (Malteng) was cut off due to heavy rains in the last few days.

"Two spans on the Kawanoa Bridge have collapsed due to flooding since Sunday (July 9) night, and people cannot pass," said Head of the Central Malteng Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Satlak (Executing Unit), Abdulative Kelly, Monday, July 10, as reported by Antara.

According to him, heavy rains with moderate to large intensity since the last few days have also damaged a bridge in Teon District. This bridge is also located on the main Trans Seram road section.

"So apart from the Kawanoa Bridge, there is also the Kali Tone Bridge in Bumei, Teon Nila Serua District (TNS) which was damaged in the oprit section, and there were no casualties in the collapse of the two bridges," said Abdulat.

However, transportation access in the TNS sub-district to the city center of Masohi has now been restored with the construction of an emergency bridge.

Meanwhile, member of Commission III of the Maluku DPRD, Anos Yeremias, said that the Kawanaoa bridge, which has a length of 520 meters, could not be passed after two bridges collapsed.

"For the Waetone Bridge in TNS District, emergency handling has been carried out so that the flow of transportation is normal," explained Anos.

He said that currently the Maluku National Road Implementation Center (BPJN) had arrived at the location of the Kawanoa Bridge, but the high rainfall and overflow of flood water that had not subsided became an obstacle for BPJN to carry out emergency handling.

"But from the results of our coordination in Commission III with the Head of the BPJN 1 Satker, it is planned that a bailey bridge will be installed with steel frame construction," he said.

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