Police Had Opened Fire When Arresting Project Workers Who Killed Rice Stall Servants In Tangerang
SR, a project worker who killed a female servant of a rice stall in South Tangerang/ Photo: Jehan/VOI

TANGSEL The arrest of the perpetrator of the murder of a female food stall waitress on Pasir Randu Street, Curug, Tangerang Regency was marked by a shooting by South Tangerang Police (Tangsel) officers.

Because, according to local residents, the perpetrator with the initials SR, a shophouse project worker, tried to escape when he wanted to be arrested.

Based on information obtained at the scene, Wednesday afternoon, March 1, a witness named Suherman said that SR was arrested in Bed, opposite the crime scene (TKP).

The partner is a place to rest for project workers. It is suspected that the perpetrator after killing the victim immediately rested into the bed.

"This morning he was arrested, (the police) shot and shot for running away. The perpetrator was lying down together," Suherman told reporters at the scene.

Now, SR has been secured at the South Tangerang Police.

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