When Attacked By Minors Who Are Being Beaten, Brigadier T Is Still Undergoing Recovery
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JAKARTA - A member of the traffic police (Polantas) Brigadier T became a victim of a beating on Jalan Otista Raya, Jatinegara, East Jakarta, last Sunday, December 25. The victim was beaten by five perpetrators who were influenced by alcohol.

Head of the East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit, AKBP Edy Surasa, said the perpetrators were minors who consumed alcohol.

"Children are drunk, the information from investigators is like that," said AKBP Edy, Wednesday, December 28.

According to AKBP Edy, currently officers in the field are still pursuing the alleged perpetrators. The perpetrators of the beatings are local residents. As a result, until now Brigadier T has not been able to serve even though he was beaten with his bare hands.

"Now I'm at home, I told him to rest first," he said.

The beating began when the victim asked to be given a path to the perpetrators who were in the middle of the road on Jalan Otista Raya towards Kampung Melayu. But instead of giving way, the perpetrator ganged up on him.

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