Polda Metro Jaya provides mobile driving license (SIM) services at five points in Jakarta, Saturday, October 29. Based on data from the TMC Polda Metro Jaya, the mobile SIM service is spread across Grand Cakung Mall for East Jakarta, then at the Kalibata Trilogy Campus for South Jakarta. Then, at LTC Glodok and Citraland Mall for West Jakarta; as well as at the Banteng Field Post Office for the Central Jakarta area. The service starts at 08.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB.

To be able to access it, enthusiasts must prepare and complete the required requirements and administrative costs before visiting the SIM document extension location. The requirements are still valid ID cards, then old driver's license and original driver's license photo, proof of a medical check, and evidence of psychological tests.

This service can only extend valid SIM for certain groups, namely SIM A and SIM C. For SIMs that have expired, SIM owners must make a new SIM application at a place that has been determined by the police.

For the renewal fee, in accordance with Government Regulation Number 60 of 2016 concerning Non-Tax State Revenue, it is IDR 80,000 for SIM A renewal and IDR 75,000 for SIM C extension.

As for the type of SIM B, it is not possible to extend the validity period on mobile SIM services, but it must be extended at the SIM Satpas office due to differences in document designation. SIM B documents for vehicle weights are more than 3.5 tons.

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