Democracy Rejects Fuel Prices To Rise, Masses Of Workers In The DPR Sindir Police Work For Inspector General Ferdy Sambo
The demonstration workers are in front of the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 6. (Nailin NS-VOI)

JAKARTA - Hundreds of workers rallied against the increase in fuel oil (BBM) in front of the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 6. In this action, there was an interesting moment when the orator was in contact with the mass of workers.

A number of workers satirized by the police regarding the name of the former Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Initially, an orator from above the command car appreciated the police officers on guard at the location of the action. Orator said that so far the police had been working for the community.

"The police work for us, for the people," said the action orator. Suddenly, the mass of workers called for the name of Inspector General Ferdi Sambo. They satirized that the police were working for the suspect in the murder of Brigadier J.

"Sambo!" exclaimed the mass action simultaneously.

The action orator corrected the screams of the masses of workers. He emphasized that the police did not work for Sambo but to protect the people.

"Buat sambo? Kagak, bukan!" kata the orator aksi.

"The police work for us to protect us from everything. So we must be protected by the state," he added.

The Orator then shouted back the demands of the action, "BBM Down, Wage Up. Worker Life!"

"Life!" replied the mass of action. The mass of demo workers in front of the Jakarta DPR Building brought three demands in their action. "There were three issues raised, the first to reject the increase in fuel prices," said KSPI President and Labor Party President Said Iqbal in front of the Senayan Parliament Complex. Jakarta on Tuesday, September 6.

The second demand is to reject the discussion of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Act. Third, he continued, he requested that the Regency/City Minimum Wage (UMK) increase by 10-13 percent in 2023. "We must convince President Jokowi that his decision is not right and makes the people miserable. Journalists, netizens, use the strength of their fingers for us to fight," he said.

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