Sandiaga Puji Para Santri Citayam Yang Jago Fotarchy
Sandiaga Uno (Photo via Ministry)

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno attended a santri photography exhibition at the Ruhama Al Fajar Islamic Boarding School, Tajurhalang, Citayam. He was amazed by the quality of the photos taken.

Sandiaga said this routine agenda could motivate students to adapt according to technological developments in creating pesantren-based digitalpreuneur.

"This is the revival of pesantren-based economic empowerment which became the locomotive in the creation of 1.1 million new jobs this year. So business opportunities such as agro tourism and agro farming are needed by providing camera facilities, studios, and training programs for mentoring digital students who we are currently running," said Sandiaga in his statement, Friday, August 26.

Sandiaga appreciated the enthusiasm of Islamic boarding schools in dealing with the digital era 4.0. Among other things, a breakthrough needs to be created that Indonesian students are able to win global competition by producing their work through photography.

"I see that this pesantren has an approach between students and ustaz and ustazah in building photography insights on global competition business opportunities by producing the best works," he said.

Awaludin Arif, the photo teacher explained, the activity with the theme "Carpe Diem" about lying down immediately like a photographer takes a moment. Not only that, the appreciation given by Sandiaga allows students to have the same opportunity to create business opportunities.

"The Minister's attractive appreciation of arts and culture makes it enthusiastic that photography is a value in the eyes of students. This is an interesting momentum, meaning that these opportunities for students can have the same opportunity," said Awaludin.

Awaludin admitted that his students had received an offer of photographer work. He also hopes that this exhibition can revive the santri digitalpreuneur who can bring real benefits to Indonesia.

"There are already students here who accept photographer jobs. With this, I hope that digitalpreuneur through this photography can revive the spirit of entrepreneurship of the students," he said.

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