BANDARLAMPUG - The Lampung Regional Police (Polda) held an Anti-Begal Joint Task Force (Satgas) in order to secure the flow of going back and forth for the Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri.

"This apple is attended by all anti-robbery teams that have been formed in each Polres. With 600 personnel involved," said Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Hendro Sugiatno, in Bandarlampung as reported by Antara, Thursday, April 28 evening.

The Lampung Regional Police Chief explained that the formation of an anti-robbery team was to secure the passage of homecoming and return for Lebaran 1443 Hijri in Lampung for those traveling from Java to Sumatra and vice versa as well as the people of this province itself.

"So I hope that these travelers will not be disturbed by the irresponsible behavior of the people on their way," he said.

The Lampung Regional Police Chief ordered all personnel not to hesitate in taking firm action against criminals who disrupt the flow of going back and forth as well as community activities during the Eid al-Fitr celebration.

"I hope the anti-robbery team that has been formed can work effectively and not just be ceremonial," said the Kapolda hopefully.

The Lampung Regional Police Chief is confident that this team will do a good job so that it becomes a lesson for perpetrators who have the intention of committing crimes in Lampung.

"I thank my colleagues who have taken the time to serve and are expected by the people of Lampung to maintain security and order during the Ketupat Krakatau Operation during the homecoming and return of Lebaran," he said.

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