MEDAN - Regional Earthquake Center Center for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BBMKG) Region 1 Medan, North Sumatra, recorded 26 earthquakes in the first week of November 2021.

Researcher for Regional Earthquake Center (PGR) BBMKG Region I Medan, Marzuki Sinambela said the earthquake that occurred in the last week in North Sumatra and Aceh was caused by Sumatran fault activity.

Some of the local faults in Aceh are the Aceh Central Segment, in the Outer Rise zone of Sumatra, the Megathrust Zone, and some areas of Samosir.

"A total of 26 earthquakes in Aceh and North Sumatra in the past week occurred with an average magnitude below 4.0," Marzuki said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 7.

Meanwhile, Resa Idha, as the analysis and function of PGR 1, revealed that of the 26 earthquakes in the past week, 17 of them were dominant on land and nine on the ocean.

The depth of the earthquake that occurred was classified into shallow earthquakes (under 60 km) with 25 occurrences and medium earthquakes (depths between 60 km to 300 km) with 1 event.

"The 26 earthquakes occurred insignificantly and were not felt by the public. The public is advised to remain vigilant and not to panic if an earthquake occurs. Care for the quick response of BMKG information," he said.

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