Minister Of Religion Says KUA Will Transform To Serve Marriage Of All Religions

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas stated that the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) will transform as a place that not only serves Muslims, but is used as a place to record marriage for all religions. "We have agreed from the start, KUA will be used as a center of religious service for all religions. KUA can be used for the wedding place of all religions," Yaqut said in Jakarta, Saturday, February 24, quoted by ANTARA. Minister of Religion's statement was delivered in the Working Meeting of the Directorate General of Community Guidance (Bimas) Islam entitled Transformation of Islamic Religious Services and Guidance as a Sustainable National Development Foundation. According to Yaqut, by developing the function of KUA as a place for recording religious marriages other than Islam, it is hoped that marriage data and divorce can be more well integrated. "Now if we look at our non-Muslim brothers and sisters, they should record their marriage in civil registering. In fact, it should be a matter of the Ministry of Religion," he said. The Minister of Religion also hopes that the hall in KUA can become a temporary place of worship for non-Muslims who still have difficulty establishing houses of worship because of economic, social, and others. "Help our non-Muslim brothers to be able to carry out their best worship. The Muslim duties as majority, namely providing protection to minority brothers, not vice versa," said Minister of Religion Yaqut.

Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Bimas Islam Kemenag Kamaruddin Amin mengatakan pada 2024, pihaknya akan meluncurkan KUA sebagai pusat layanan aliga alih agama. "Tahun ini juga segera kami launching KUA sebagai pusat layanan kereligian lintas fungsi dan lintas agama," kata dia.