4 Tips For Writing Personal Descriptions In CV, Must Be Directly Eyed By HRD

YOGYAKARTA - Curriculum Vitae (CV) is an important document that must be prepared by jobseekers as best they can to apply for work. For those of you who will apply for job vacancies, there are several things that need to be considered in making CV. One of them is writing a description of yourself in CV.

Jobseeker must be able to make CV as interesting as possible so that HRD can look at it. Self-description is an important part that HRD will see when conducting an incoming job application screening. So make sure the writing of a self-description in CV must be clear, brief or not long-winded, and powerful.

When making a description of yourself, it's like selling yourself so that people are interested in buying. In the context of job applications, it is so that HRD or recruiters are interested in inviting you to take the next stage of the selection. So how to write a correct and interesting description of yourself in CV?

Not a few job applicants make CV carelessly. Often they write a simple description of themselves and without the right choice of words or sentences. Whereas in the description of yourself, you must explain the skills or skills that are mastered according to the position applied for.

For those of you who plan to apply for work, here are tips for writing a description of yourself in CV so that HRD can look at it:

Many jobseers may want to write a long description of themselves because they have a lot of skills and work experience. Whereas the description part should be written briefly but still clear. Information included in the description of oneself does not need to be too long, only 1-3 sentences.

When writing your description, you must be selective in choosing the information you want to include. For those of you who have many skills, you should just write down skills that are relevant to the proposed position. In addition, you can focus on the advantages of yourself that can provide plus value in CV.

You should focus on your skills and work experience. Maybe you are an old or professional worker with a lot of work experience, but you should just include work experiences that are relevant to your intended position and industry.

As previously stated, you must highlight the skills or skills needed according to the job vacancy qualifications. In addition, there is no need to write all your work history from start to date. In order not to be too long, you can choose the latest work experience to be at the top and be followed by several other experiences that can be outperformed.

Your achievements or achievements will be a plus in the eyes of HRD. So the writing of your description must emphasize your achievements so far. For fresh graduates, you can include a list of achievements that have been achieved during college. In addition, you can also mention contributions in campus organizations or activities.

Professional or experienced workers can write about their achievements while working. For example, you can mention the responsibilities and results of your work for the position you hold. The better your achievement, the better your CV will be chosen by the recruiter.

In addition to paying attention to the content or content conveyed in CV, you also need to adjust the writing style. One of the tips is using numbers and sombols in self-description writing. You can use the use of numbers and symbols to write down achievements, for example successfully increasing sales traffic by 50% each month.

The writing of numbers and symbols will attract more attention from hackers when reading your CV. In addition, the use of numbers and symbols also makes your description shorter, clearer, and stronger in HRD's eyes.

Those are some tips for writing a description of yourself in CV that you have to apply. Writing a description of yourself must be done briefly, to the point, clearly, and using powerful words to attract HRD. Also read how to write introductions on LinkedIn to lure recruiters.

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