Tips For Caring For Motorcycle Chains In Rainy Season: Trivial But Important For Safety

YOGYAKARTA - The rainy season has arrived, which means our motorcycle chain must be considered. You must know how tips on maintaining the motorcycle chain in the rainy season so that its performance remains prime.

The reason is, When our motorcycle chain is exposed to rain water, it can cause carat which can affect the performance and age of the chain. Here are some tips so that the motorcycle chain is always safe in the rainy season.

1. Clean the Chain in a Regulated manner

If you go through a wet road due to rain, you have to clean the motorcycle chain regularly. You can use brushes and running water to remove dirt that sticks like mud, dirt and other residues.

Make sure all parts of the chain are clean, including the outside and inside.

2. Control of Chain Strength

Convince the motor chain to have the right strength. A chain that is very slack can jump off the gear wheels, while a very strong chain can cause faster wear. Check and adjust the strength of the chain according to the manufacturer's advice or guide for users of your motorbike.

3. Avoid Using Used Oil

When lubricating the motorcycle chain, stay away from using used oil because it will have negative side effects on the chain. The reason is that in used oils there are impurity particles and metals that can damage the chain. Should use a special lubricant for chains or lube chains designed to protect the motor chain from carat and wear.

4. Use Chain Cover

Not only sterilizing and drying chains, you can also protect it from rainwater by using chain covers or chain protections. The chain closure will help avoid rainwater directly hit the motorcycle chain, thereby reducing the risk of being carat.

5. Periodic Care

Not only routine maintenance after driving during the rainy period, but also routine maintenance of the motorcycle chain. This includes checking and routine lubrication according to factory advice. Make sure to use the appropriate chain lubricant and follow the instructions for its use.

6. Change New Chain

The last step is if your chain condition is classified as broken, then you must immediately replace it with a new one so that you can drive comfortably in the rainy season.

According to the suggestion of replacing the motorcycle chain, it is carried out every 20,000 to 25,000 km. But it also looks back at how it is used.

Signs Of A Motorcycle Chain Must Be Replaced

Motorcyclists must always be aware of various symptoms if the motorcycle chain is worn and needs to be replaced. Here are some symptoms that must be considered:

By following the tips above, you can maintain the motorcycle chain well in the rainy season and avoid carat formation. Good care will prolong the age of the motorcycle chain and protect its performance so that it is always maximized.

So after learning tips on maintaining the chain of motorcycles in the rainy season, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!