39 TNI/Polri Soldiers Guard The Security Of The Outermost Island Of Mapia

BIAK - The Government of Supiori Regency, Papua, said as many as 39 soldiers of the TNI/Polri task force participated in securing the outer islands of Mapia, West Supiori District, which borders neighboring Palau and the Philippines.

"We are very grateful for the security by the soldiers of the Indonesian Navy's Marine Task Force, Army, and Police Post to protect the natural wealth of maritime affairs on Mapia's outermost islands," said Assistant 1 Regional Secretary of Supiori Regency Hengky Mandosirdi Biak, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, October 7.

Hengkylantas said that the potential for natural resources in the outer islands of Mapiayang consists of fisheries and coconut plantations that are used as kopra.

The presence of soldiers from the Indonesian Navy, Army, and National Police, he hopes that the outer islands of Mapia will remain conducive and become a state boundary area with the Republic of Palau and the Philippines.

Previously, the Commander of the Biak Navy Base, Colonel Mar. Carlos Deda, said that the presence of dozens of Indonesian Navy Marine Task Force personnel on the outer islands of Mapia was under the control of the Pasmar III Koarmada III operation.

The Mapia Islands with a population of 79 families with livelihoods as fishermen and gardening.

The Mapia archipelago group has a number of islands, namely Berasi, Pegun, Fanildo, and Small-Berasi and Small Fanildo Island.