Prabowo Praises Jokowi Again: History Will Tell Him Pak Jokowi The Best President Of Indonesia

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, once again praised President Joko Widodo. Prabowo called Jokowi one of the best presidents Indonesia has ever had.

Prabowo conveyed this praise at the signing ceremony of the Gerindra and PKB coalition cooperation at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Bogor, West Java, Saturday, August 13.

Initially, Prabowo revealed that his decision was not wrong to join Jokowi's government.

The chairman of the Gerindra Party Advisory Council, who once fought with Jokowi in the 2019 presidential election, also revealed that there were parties who were disappointed with his decision.

"I have to tell you that loyalty is my soul. So I was Pak Jokowi's political rival at that time. When I joined there were parties who were disappointed," said Prabowo.

After he analyzed it, it turned out that many of the disappointed parties were from abroad. Because outsiders don't like seeing Indonesia at peace.

"Because they always like to see Indonesia riot," he said.

The Minister of Defense said that he had been Jokowi's "follower" for three years in the government. But Prabowo admitted that he did not feel ashamed at all, for matters related to the interests of the nation and state.

Prabowo said Jokowi had a big soul because he wanted to invite him to join the government.

"A great nation is a nation that has wise and wise leaders. I am a rival to Pak Jokowi for 10 years, but he has a big soul to invite reconciliation, he has a big soul to invite me to join the government," he explained.

For Prabowo, Jokowi's attitude to open a space for reconciliation after the 2019 election is a real attitude from a statesman. Even according to him, history can record that Jokowi is one of the best presidents of Indonesia.

"I see that as a statesman's attitude, maybe one day history will say Pak Jokowi is one of the best presidents in Indonesia," Prabowo said.