
JAKARTA - Erik Finman, a self-proclaimed "Bitcoin billionaire" Donald Trump supporter, is offering a mobile device called the "Freedom Phone" to supporters of former President Donald Trump. But critic Will Sommer of The Daily Beast, saw the offer as a grave offense.

The phone, made by conservative cryptocurrency enthusiast Erik Finman, is suspected of being a rebrand of Chinese-made phones. "Looks like it's just a rebranding of the more expensive Chinese phones available elsewhere, where they're slightly cheaper than the Freedom Phone," Sommer wrote.

Finman has promoted that this phone is technically comparable to other high-end phones on the market. Unfortunately he still refuses to release the specifications of the phone.

Sommer himself has carried out several investigations and has determined that the Freedom Phone is another slightly modified version of the Umidigi A9 Pro. The device is usually sold for only 120 US dollars (Rp 1.7 million).

"Asked to justify the Freedom Phone's price increase over the Umidigi model, Finman claims vaguely that the Freedom Phone has customized hardware and upgraded memory," Sommer wrote.

"He committed on Wednesday to publishing the technical specifications of the phone, such as the basic details that any company selling the phone should be able to provide. However, as of Thursday afternoon, no technical specifications were provided to The Daily Beast or added to the Freedom Phone website. , "

Finman calls the "Freedom Phone" an ideal device for conservatives who feel they have been censored by "Big Tech,". Freedom Phone is also claimed to have been equipped with favorite right-wing applications such as Parler and Rumble. The phone has also been promoted by far-right media figures including Dinesh D'Souza and Candace Owens.

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