
JAKARTA - Commemorating National Awakening Day which falls every May 20, the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) specifically expresses its appreciation to the talents of young athletes who have brought the revival of national sports and made the nation proud in the international arena of the 2023 Cambodia SEA Games.

Please note, Indonesia's achievements at this year's SEA GAMES exceeded the President's targets and previous SEA Games in Hanoi, Vietnam. This year, Indonesia recorded 87 gold, 80 silver, and 109 bronze.

"Talking about National Awakening does not escape the role of young people who also stimulate national sporting achievements. Therefore, commemorating National Awakening this year, at the same time as the momentum of the SEA Games, KSP appreciates all athletes who have struggled to follow the long process, starting from the selection of talents, facilitation of coaching, the Pelatnas stage, and competing to bring the nation's name," said Deputy II KSP for Human Development, Abetnego Tarigan, Saturday, May 20.

He continued, the achievements achieved by Indonesian athletes in the SEA Games certainly did not escape the role of each parent sports organization, coaches, team managers, and Kemenpora as regulators who have formed a healthy ecosystem from the regional level to the National Training Center (Pelatnas).

For information, there are 599 athletes competing in 31 sports at the SEA GAMES this year, of which 60% of them are young athletes. In the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD), to reach the elite athlete level, an athlete takes a disciplined training time of 8-12 years, so that the target of young athletes and athlete coaching becomes important.

The government is consistently committed to advancing sports achievements through the Great Design of National Sports (DBON). DBON was appointed by the President in September 2021 through Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2021. DBON carries the idea of fostering long-term athlete talent as an investment in the country to realize human resource development, so that Indonesian sports achievements can be competitive in the Olympics and Paralympics.

In line with that, the Government is currently also preparing a legal umbrella for National Talent Management (MTN). MTN is translated into a unified ecosystem that supports and accelerates DBON, by orchestrating the implementation of the development of sports education and achievement sports so that it is synchronized and in accordance with the captured talent stage," added Abetnego.

Meanwhile, several policy directions and quick-wins from MTN are the expansion of talent pools, the development and facilitation of excellent talents and talents, the provision of talent development facilities and infrastructure, as well as the ecosystem of governance of national talent in a sustainable manner such as funding and institutions. "Hopefully, the MTN scheme will not only foster talent seeds in the field of sports, but also in the fields of research-innovation and cultivation. The birth of superior talents in these three fields will contribute to the development and progress of the nation. This is also an indication of the success of MTN in the orchestration of cross-field HR programs and stakeholders as well as the high competitiveness of Indonesia's achievements in the global arena," concluded Deputy II.

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