JAKARTA - The U-22 Indonesian national team will face Cambodia in the last match of the 2023 SEA Games Group A preliminary match. This match is actually no longer decisive for the Red and White squad.
The match between the U-22 Indonesian national team and Cambodia will take place at the Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh, Wednesday, May 10. For the Indonesian coach, Indra Sjafri, this will be a simulation match before undergoing the semifinal match of the biennial multi-event championship.
"The team is in good condition and the children have high motivation. In the match against Cambodia, it is clear that we rotated players, especially when we played at night for the first time," said Indra Sjafri, ahead of the match.
Even though he has qualified for the semifinals, Indra Sjafri emphasized that the national team must still show its best abilities. The match against the host is predicted to be tight. Moreover, Cambodia has the full support of its fanatical supporters.
"We have certainly prepared a "gameplan" and want to achieve the best results against Cambodia. We have to rotate, and of course there will be adjustments to formations and so on," he said, as directed from Antara.
The coach who is also PSSI's Technical Director asked his team to continue playing tactically in order to get peak performance when facing semifinal matches to the final of the multi-event championship which was first held in Cambodia.
Meanwhile, one of the Indonesian national team players, Haykal Alhafiz, admitted that he would maximize his role if the coach was given the opportunity to play in the match against Cambodia.
"Of course I am always ready to play, especially tomorrow we will fight Cambodia. Even though we have qualified for the semifinals, we are still determined to play optimally," said Haykal.
The steps of the Indonesian U-22 national team at the 2023 SEA Games are fairly smooth and currently at the top of Group A. Even the Garuda Muda national team has scored 11 goals and has never conceded.
In the semifinals which took place on Saturday, May 14, Indonesia may face Thailand or Vietnam.
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