
JAKARTA - The Government of Palu City, Central Sulawesi has imposed sanctions for violators of health protocols in the form of an obligation to provide basic food assistance to confirmed COVID-19 patients undergoing intensive care in hospitals or in self-isolation.

"This social sanction is not only a form of punishment but also a form of concern for others, although the government has also distributed similar assistance to residents affected by COVID-19," said Head of the Palu City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol-PP), Trisno in Palu, as reported by Antara, Saturday, July 24.

He explained that the Satpol-PP as a regional regulation enforcement agency has the authority to carry out tasks in the field, including taking action against prokes violators who do not wear masks in public places, while the officers' actions are carried out humanely.

The application of social sanctions, he said, is a regional head policy that is regulated in regional level legal instruments, at least a mayor's regulation.

"We hold the ID cards of the violators of the health process temporarily, after they carry out their punishment by giving food aid to residents exposed to the corona virus, then the person concerned must come to our office to collect his resident identity document. That's a social sanction mechanism," he said. He did not reveal the exact number of prokes violators at this time.

Until now, the Palu City Government has continued to carry out judicial operations in the midst of implementing Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), in order to minimize the transmission of COVID-19.

The judicial operation is also in order to monitor the implementation of PPKM by limiting the operating hours of economic activities for business actors in Palu until 21.00 WITA.

"This social sanction does not only apply to people who do individual activities who do not apply the prokes, but also applies to business actors," he said.

In accordance with the instructions of the Mayor of Palu, Hadianto Rasyid, the judicial operation by the team that has been formed must be more massive and optimally carried out. The operation is carried out by officers three times a day.

"Hopefully, with the application of this model of sanctions, the residents of Palu City are truly obedient and obedient to the rules in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, because many people have been exposed. For the time being there is no other word but to obey the process of minimizing transmission," said Trisno .

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