
JAKARTA - The unfortunate news about the fate of Alviano Dava Raharjo (Vino), a 9-year-old child in Linggang Village, Purworejo, West Kutai, East Kalimantan.

Vino became an orphan after his parents died of exposure to COVID-19, which has spread throughout the archipelago and has received empathy from many parties, including the Governor of East Kalimantan, Isran Noor.

"I have spoken to my wife and children. I will communicate with Vino's family. I will take him (adopted) as an adopted child. I do not think it is legal or illegal, but so that this child can develop. I have a sense of empathy, said Mom is ok, no problem. We will take it if he wants, hopefully he will. Even if he doesn't want to, we will continue to provide guidance until he goes to college. The point is that we are ready to guarantee Vino's education, "said Isran Noor, quoted from a statement from the Public Relations of the Provincial Government East Kalimantan, Friday, July 23.

Isran Noor learned about the death of Vino's parents from online media and social media. Isran emphasized the provincial government's policy to continue to pay attention to the victims of COVID-19. Handling is carried out by the relevant agencies in each region.

"There is no system for this incident, because COVID-19 just happened. So what can we do, that's what we are doing now. What is clear is that this is the first time, the policy of the regional government, both provincial and district/city, is the same. , namely how to pay attention to those who have become victims of COVID-19," said Isran Noor.

Vino's mother, Lina Safitri and his father Kino Raharjo are known to have died earlier this week. Both were treated at the Harapan Insan Sendawar Hospital (HIS Hospital) in West Kutai.

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