
SUMBAR - The West Sumatra Police have named four business owners in the city of Padang as suspects for allegedly violating health protocols during the Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) period.

The Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the West Sumatra Police, Kombes Imam Kabut Sariadi, said that the four business owners were suspected of being under Article 14 of Law Number 4 1984 concerning Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases.

"Under the law, they are threatened with one year's imprisonment or a fine of Rp. 1 million," said Imam in a case release at the West Sumatra Police Headquarters, Padang, Antara, Friday, July 23.

The four business actors are OH the owner of the DD Cafe, AH the owner of the NN Cafe, SK the owner of the MCH cafe and KI the owner of the entertainment and billiard venues. "The four places of business are in the city of Padang," he said.

He said that from July 3 to July 20, the government has determined that three regions in West Sumatra must implement Emergency PPKM in accordance with the 2021 Home Affairs Instructions.

Well, during this period, the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the West Sumatra Police and the Parallel Resort Police carried out enforcement operations against individuals, business actors and event organizers.

He said the Ditreskrimum Polda carried out legal action in four cases, the Padang Police in two cases, the Bukittinggi Police in one case and the Padang Panjang Police in one case.

"We, in the Emergency PPKM, do not use the Perda AKB but the Law on Outbreaks in taking action," he said.

Under PPKM conditions, these business actors are only allowed to sell with a wrap or take-away system and are not allowed to eat on the spot.

"We have socialized and now we are taking action. We have also coordinated a team of experts from Andalas University to use this law in taking action," he said.

He appealed to the public to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols and implementing dynamic rules.

"We in West Sumatra have Regional Regulation Number 6 202 concerning Adaptation of New Habits which is carried out by the Satpol PP and cooperates with the police. In violation of health protocols there are sanctions," he said.

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