
JAKARTA - Former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo will appeal the five-year prison sentence handed down by the Corruption Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court.

This was conveyed by Edhy Prabowo's lawyer, Soesilo Ariwibowo. This legal action was filed on Thursday, July 22 yesterday.

"(Decided, ed) appeal. (The submission, ed) yesterday," said Soesilo when contacted by reporters, Friday, July 23.

This appeal was made because his party objected to the judge's decision which assessed that Edhy Prabowo had violated Article 12 letter a of the Corruption Eradication Act (Tipikor).

"If forced, this case is more fitting to Article 11 (Corruption Act)," he said.

Article 11 of the Anti-Corruption Law states that the minimum prison term is 1 year and the maximum is 5 years. Meanwhile, the fines imposed are a minimum of IDR 50 million and a maximum of IDR 250 million.

In this article, it is explained that the acceptance of a gift or promise is given because of the power or authority related to his position, or according to the mind of the person giving the gift or promise that is related to his position.

This is different from Article 12 which states that acceptance is made to move them to do or not to do something in their position that is contrary to their obligations.

Previously reported, Edhy Prabowo was sentenced to 5 years in prison for the bribery case for the export license for lobster seeds or fry. In addition, he was also sentenced to a fine of Rp. 400 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison.

The panel of judges also decided an additional sentence for Edhy Prabowo with the obligation to pay compensation for the corruption crimes he committed amounting to Rp9.68 billion and US$77 thousand. If the replacement money is not paid, Edhy Prabowo will have to serve an additional 2 years in prison

In addition, the panel of judges in their decision also revoked Edhy Prabowo's right to be elected in public (political) positions for three years.

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