
JAKARTA - Head of the Riau Islands (Kepri) High Prosecutor's Office (Kajati) Hari Setiyono ensured that there would be no selective logging in law enforcement. This is particularly the case for violations allegedly committed by prosecutors and employees in the area of the prosecutor's office.

This was proven by his party taking action to arrest and detain two employees of the Bintan District Attorney with the initials BI and the Tanjungpinang District Attorney with the initials MR who are suspected of extorting village heads in the Bintan Regency area, Wednesday, June 30, 2021.

Both have now been named as suspects and are currently undergoing further legal proceedings.

"We don't have a selective selection of cases. We are observing everything," said Kajati Hari Setiyono at a press conference to commemorate the 61st Day of Bhakti Adhyaksa (HBA) and the XXI Anniversary of the Adhyaksa Dharmakarini Association (IAD) 2021, at the Riau Islands Attorney's Office, Tanjungpinang City. , reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 22. In addition, his party also claimed to have imposed sanctions on three prosecutors' employees in the jurisdiction of the Kepri Kejati Prosecutor's Office who were proven to have committed disciplinary violations during the January to July 2021 period.

"Sanctions are given in the form of demotion and postponement of promotion," said Hari.

He also conveyed that in the context of commemorating the HBA and IAD's Birthday, COVID-19 vaccination was held for the community, social services in the form of visits to orphanages, distribution of basic necessities to the community, visits to retired prosecutors and retired employees of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, as well as holding a virtual cheap market.

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