
INDRAMAYU - Head of the Indramayu District Health Office, West Java, Deden Bonni Koswara said, after the implementation of the restriction on community activities (PPKM) positive cases of COVID-19 decreased from 200 to 80 cases per day.

"Thank God, after the implementation of PPKM, positive cases have decreased," said Deden in Indramayu, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

Deden said that from the beginning of the month to mid-July 2021, positive cases of COVID-19 in Indramayu Regency showed a fairly high increase.

In fact, Deden said, the number of positive COVID-19 cases per day has touched 200 people, including the death rate. While the healing is not too significant.

In addition, the hospital occupancy rate is also worrying, so there are several discourses to make the Hajj Dormitory as a place of isolation.

"However, after the PPKM policy, positive cases of COVID-19 decreased, and yesterday we recorded 87 daily cases, from previously above 150 people per day," he said.

He added that the decrease in cases was because during PPKM the mobility of residents decreased. Even Indramayu Regency is included in the top three nationally, a region with a high decline in mobility.

For this reason, he hopes that positive cases of COVID-19 in Indramayu Regency can continue to fall and the public will also be willing to take vaccinations and continue to apply health protocols.

"Our recovery rate is also quite high per day at 140 to 200 people," he said.

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