
DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster gave a number of leniency rules during the extension of the PPKM on July 21 to 25.

"After taking into account the aspirations of the community, in the Circular Letter of the Governor of Bali Number 11 of 2021, several concessions are applied for the essential and non-essential sectors," said Koster, Wednesday, July 21.

SE Governor of Bali No. 11 of 2021 concerning PPKM Level 3 COVID-19 in the New Era of Life in the Province of Bali is also the implementation of the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 22 of 2021 concerning PPKM Level 4 COVID-19 in the Java-Bali Region.

In general, the provisions that apply in the Governor of Bali Decree No. 11/2021 are almost the same as SE No. 9/2021 concerning Emergency PPKM in the Province of Bali, but there are a number of rules that have been relaxed.

Some of the loosened points include, for the non-essential sector to operate with 25 percent of employees working in offices/stores, prioritizing online transactions and implementing very strict health protocols.

Non-essential sectors can operate until 21.00 WITA. Whereas in the old SE, non-essential sectors were not allowed to operate.

Furthermore, eating/drinking activities in food stalls, restaurants, cafes, street vendors, and hawker stalls can operate implementing very strict health protocols, prioritizing delivery (delivery service), until 21.00 WITA. In the previous SE, operating hours were up to 20.00 WITA.

Then, the street lights are not extinguished. The lights are turned off only in places where there is a potential for crowds, for example in the City Park field, I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung Field, Puputan Margarana Field, in tourist objects/destinations, and others.

"The safety of the human soul is the highest law. Therefore, I ask for the understanding of all components of society to accept and comply with the provisions stipulated in the Circular Letter of the Governor of Bali Number 11 of 2021 to prevent an increase in the spread of COVID-19 the delta variant in Bali," he explained.

Koster admits that the policy taken is a very difficult choice because it limits activities and disrupts the economic life of the community.

"However, policies must still be implemented in order to save the health and life of the community, control the number of patients admitted to the hospital, and avoid the increasing number of positive people without symptoms entering quarantine," said Koster.

His party appealed to the Balinese people to remain patient, maintain a conducive situation so that Bali remains comfortable and safe, and pray together so that the pandemic can be handled properly.

"Let's build a spirit of togetherness, caring by working together, helping each other to each other in their respective areas," said Koster.

The Governor of Bali also thanked the hospital managers, doctors, and other health workers who have given their dharma of service, with full dedication and responsibility in carrying out their duties in the humanitarian field in handling COVID-19 patients.

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