
SURABAYA - The Mayor of Surabaya, East Java, Eri Cahyadi has prepared a number of preventive measures to face the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) which have been extended until July 25.

"I really hope for the residents of Surabaya. Come on this week we will work hard so that next week it can go down, so that we can relax," said Mayor Eri Cahyadi at Surabaya City Hall, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

Eri Cahyadi invites all residents of Surabaya to continue to tighten health protocols (prokes) wherever they are.

If during the next week there is a decrease in cases, he continued, the President will relax to move the wheels of the economy.

"I have also conveyed to the ranks of the city government to step down and carry out continuous checks," said Eri Cahyadi.

In addition, Eri Cahyadi has taken a number of steps to stop the spread of the global epidemic, among them, setting up self-isolation (isoman) places in every kelurahan spread throughout Surabaya.

The isoman place, he continued, is intended for patients without symptoms or mild symptoms. Especially for residents whose home location does not allow it to be used as a place of self-isolation.

"We have prepared isoman places for all urban villages consisting of 154. This is to stop the spread of COVID-19, especially family clusters. So that patients do not infect other family members," he said.

For the location, Eri admitted that he had used various public places as places of isolation, one of which was a school.

According to him, the selection of the location of the school is important because the building has been completed per room and toilet facilities are also available.

"In every room there is also ventilation and air conditioning. Meanwhile, we are sending 30 beds per kelurahan, but we will see and monitor again how many cases are in each kelurahan, so it is adjusted," he said.

The next step is to prepare two locations for Emergency Hospitals, namely the Indoor GOR in the Gelora Bung Tomo (GBT) complex and the Kalibokor Field. The plan is that the Emergency Hospital will start operating this weekend.

"Today, the place is ready, hopefully it will be operational on Friday, so that there will be no more isoman Surabaya residents. If the house does not meet the requirements for isoman," he said.

It doesn't stop there, to suppress the spread of COVID-19, Eri also continues to intensify testing and tracing.

In fact, Eri Cahyadi confirmed that he had distributed 40 thousand rapid antigen test kits which were distributed to 63 health centers throughout Surabaya.

"Each Puskesmas is sent by the Health Office on average 2-4 thousand. For people who feel they are in close contact or experience symptoms, please do a swab test. When the results are positive, immediately isolate, yes, but if it is negative enough, we will not give the results," he said.

Finally, within a day, Mayor Eri confirmed that he had dispatched tracing officers from various regional organizations (OPD).

The mayor said there would be no more delays in tracing to find close contacts of COVID-19 patients.

He emphasized that if one confirmed case of a patient is found, then as many close contacts as possible are found.

"So, per day the tracing must be completed, so that there are no delays. If it turns out that the close contact is positive, then we will do tracing again on the person's close contact, and so on. This is the goal to break the chain of COVID-19 spread," he said. Eri Cahyadi.

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