
KALTENG - The Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) has paid incentives for health workers (nakes) on June 5, 2021. The provincial government is seriously committed to paying attention to health workers who are currently battling the pandemic.

Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran said that on various occasions he always reminded regents/mayors in this area to act quickly (quickly) to pay health workers incentives.

"The incentive payment is a form of appreciation and appreciation for the hard work and dedication of all health workers, who have struggled to handle COVID-19 patients," he said in Palangka Raya, Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

The total incentive payments that have been paid amounted to Rp10,976,428,941 or 24.69 percent. Until now, the incentive payment process is still ongoing.

In addition to the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government, incentive payments have also been made by the district and city governments with the following details.

Palangka Raya 43.75 percent, Seruyan 20.08 percent, Gunung Mas 12.36 percent, West Kotawaringin 44.64 percent, Sukamara 3.40 percent, Palangka Raya City 43.75 percent, Katingan 52.59 percent, Pulang Pisau 39 .65 percent, Lamandau 23.46 percent, Kapuas 19.66 percent, and Murung Raya 44.16 percent.

For this reason, the overall health worker incentives that have been paid to date are Rp. 60,963,762,994 or 22.01 percent of all regencies/cities in Central Kalimantan Province.

"It's in the right place and it is very appropriate if the regional head immediately pays what is the right of the health workers," said Sugianto.

The Minister of Home Affairs has even warned that the payment of the Income Improvement Allowance (TPP) will be postponed until the health workers get their rights.

"It is hoped that the paid health workers' incentives will help the health workers' moral and mental health, so they don't get tired of fighting for the health of the people of Central Kalimantan as one of the spearheads in overcoming this pandemic," said Sugianto

In line with the central government, the Governor of Central Kalimantan is very concerned and hopes that the public understands that this pandemic is a shared responsibility.

"The more people obey the health protocol, and get vaccinated immediately, the faster Central Kalimantan will be free from COVID-19," said Sugianto.

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