
JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Churches (PGI) appeals and invites all people in the country to put aside differences or political views in order to focus on efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Differences in political choices and agendas should be put aside for the sake of the common interest, namely to stop the spread of this virus," said PGI Chairperson Reverend Gomar Gultom when contacted in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

The Indonesian people should stop blaming each other. Right now, the most important thing is how Indonesia can get out of the COVID-19 pandemic immediately.

Therefore, mutual assistance and mutual assistance between individuals is very important. Moreover, the government has decided to extend the implementation of the emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) until July 25.

"I urge all elements of society to work together, roll up their arms and concentrate on fighting against this pandemic," he said.

He believes the most effective way to break the chain of spread of COVID-19 is to implement health protocols and follow the government's vaccination program.

The PGI management hopes that the community will not be bored and loose in applying health protocols, let alone refusing to be vaccinated. Because, until now, it is believed that only two ways are the most effective in fighting COVID-19.

PGI, he said, also continues to campaign for churches to participate in the vaccination program. In many areas, churches, in collaboration with local health offices, provide vaccination programs.

In fact, many churches provide their own health workers and other facilities to make vaccination successful. In addition, several guest houses and churches belonging to many churches have functioned as places for self-isolation to treat COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms.

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